The database relates to towns within the current borders of Ukraine and towns that were formerly in Poland, but are now within the borders of Ukraine.
The documents are located in the following repositories:
Kiev |
State Archival Service of Ukraine
24 Solomians’ka Street
Kyiv 03110, Ukraine
Note: to contact oblast/province and zonal/district archives in Ukraine, CLICK HERE.
Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kiev
24 Solomianska Street
Kyiv 03110, Ukraine
Tel: 380/44/277-3002
V. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine
Prospect 40-Richchia Zhotvtnia, 3
Kyiv 03039, Ukraine
Tel: 380/44/ 265-81-04
fax: 380/44/264-33-98, 264-17-70, 265-56-02
E-mail: nlu@csl.freenet.kiev.ua
Scientific Library of Central State Archives of Ukraine
24 Solomianska Street
Kyiv 03110, Ukraine
Tel: 380/44/277-1224
Lvov |
Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv
Soborna Pl., 3-a
Lviv, 79008 Ukraine
Tel: 380/322/72-30-63; Fax: 380/322-72-35-08
E-mail: archives@cl.lv.ukrtel.net
V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
vul. Stefanyka 2
79001 Lviv Ukraine
Tel: 380/322/72-57-20; 72-07-13; Fax: 76-51-58
email: manuscr@lsl.lviv.ua
Ostrog |
Ostrog Regional Museum
5 Academicheskaya Street
Rovno Oblast
Ostrog 265620 Ukraine
Note: Contact information for ZAGS offices (civil registration offices)
throughout Ukraine, see * below.
Included in this database are repositories outside of Ukraine holding documents for towns within the current borders of Ukraine:
Warsaw |
Polish State Archives-AGAD
(Central Archives of Historical Records)
ul. Dluga 7, skr. poczt. 1005
Warszawa 00-950, Poland
Tel: 48/22/831-5491; Fax: 48/22/831-1608
e-mail: sekretariat@agad.gov.pl
Jewish Historical Institute
ul. Tlomackie 3/5
Warszawa 00-090, Poland
Tel: 48/22/827-92-21; Fax: 48/22/827-8372
e-mail: secretary@jewishinstitute.org.pl
Urzad Stanu Cywilnego w m. st. Warszawie Archiwum
1/3 Klopotowski str.
Warszawa 03-718 Poland
Tel: 22/443-1280; Fax: 22/852-2911
e-mail: uscskz@um.warszawa.pl
Note: The USC office (civil registrations) in Warszawa has documents from towns formerly in Poland and now in Ukraine, including the area of the former Eastern Galicia comprised of the provinces of Tarnopol/Ternopil, Lvov/Lviv and Stanislawow/Ivano Frankivsk. This material was formerly located in the Urzad Stanu Cywilnego Warszawa-Srodmiescie office at 1/3 Jezuicka Street.
Kishinev |
Moldova National Archives
67b Gheorghe Asachi Street
Kishinev 277028, Republic of Moldova
Tel: 373/0422/73-58-27
e-mail arhiva.national@gmail.com
Minsk |
National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk
55 Kropotkina Street
Minsk 220002, Republic of Belarus
Tel: 375/107/268-6522; Fax: 268-6520
e-mail: niab@solo.by
Brest |
Brest Oblast Archives
8 Engelsa Street
Brest 224005, Republic of Belarus
Tel: 375/162/26-59-29
Moscow |
State Archives of the Russian Federation
ul. Bol’shaia Pirogovskaia, 17
Moscow 119817 Russia
Tel: 7/095/245-8141; Fax: 7/095/245-1287
e-mail: garf@statearchive.ru
website: http://statearchive.ru/
Russian State Historical Archives
Angliiskaia nab. (formerly Krasnogo Flota), 4
St. Petersburg 190000 Russia
Tel: 7/812/311-0926; Fax: 7/812/311-2252
E-mail: rgia@NP7758.spb.edu
Website: www.rusarchives.ru/federal/rgia/
Jerusalem |
Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People
P.O. Box 1149,
Jerusalem 91010, Israel
email: archives@vms.huji.ac.il
Baia Mare |
Arhivele Naţionale (Romanian National Archives)
Direcţia Judeteană Maramureș a Arhivelor
(district archive)
B-dul Bucuresti nr. 26
430406 Baia Mare, jud. Maramureș
Tel: 0040-262-437948
email: maramures.an@mira.gov.ro |
Note: Transliteration is from the former Russian spelling because the language of the relevant documents (and time period) is Russian.
Note: For additional information about documents, archives and towns in Ukraine, visit:
News From and About Ukraine and Ukrainians:
Jewish Records Indexing Poland: www.jri-poland.org/
JewishGen: www.jewishgen.org (many related sites available here)
Galicia Special Interest Group: www.jewishgen.org/Galicia/
Galicia Jewish Museum: www.galiciajewishmuseum.org
Family History Library:
(search by place name to see if your ancestral town has been microfilmed)
Private collection of Rabbi Moishe Leib Kolesnik in Ivano Frankivsk
- * Note: Public access to ZAGS documents is regulated by law, which prohibits on-site access and research by individuals looking for multiple records for genealogical purposes. It is not uncommon to find a sympathetic clerk in a local ZAGS office who will cooperate in varying degrees in order to accommodate the visitor during an on-site visit. However, this is a courtesy response and not available upon demand.
It is possible to write to the Ukrainian Consulate in your country and request a search for a very few specific vital records. This is a time-consuming process; it may take months to receive a response. If the search is successful, a letter will be sent to the requestor advising him/her to forward a sum of money to the consulate’s office; in return, a certified extract of the document (on a typed form) will be sent out by mail.
None of the documents in any ZAGS office have been microfilmed and there are no plans to do so (due to privacy restrictions relating to twentieth century records). Also see chapter entitled "Urzad Stanu Cywilnego Warszawa-Srodmiescie" for additional information.
In the U.S., contact:
Consul General of Ukraine
240 E. 49th Street
New York, NY 10017
Embassy of Ukraine
3350 "M" Street NW
Washington D.C., 20007
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